Welcome to my humble, if a bit messy Neocities Website. Basically it's just a drama-free place for me to babble about my various interests, projects, and technical stuff that I like to mess around with. Most of the time I dabble with guitars, music, old video games, and electronics, but there's more stuff I mess around with in the About Me section. This place is in a constant state of update and change as you'll find, as I complete things as I have time to do them, as I have a very busy life outside of the internet.
Things you'll find here include an "About Me" section with unreleated tech projects I'm working on, a music section with my over 25+ years of playing in bands, recording albums, and generally, being a lead guitarist and composer in the local music scene(s). Gear Tech is about guitars, basses, guitar gear, pedals, amps, and other stuff - with a heavy focus on cheap, obscure, or offset-waisted guitars (Jaguars, Jag-Stangs, etc..), vintage computers is my passion for vintage Pre-Pentium IBM Compatible x86 hardware (8086-80486), while modern focuses on whatever crazy modern stuff I find myself messing with, and the gaming section is just me expounding about video games and video game related stuff, mostly NES/PC/Atari 2600 stuff, with a penchant for the weird and funny at times.
02/26/2025 - 11:30am PST - Updates and changing the site has been a bit slow. Work has been very busy, and wearing me out to the point I pretty much want to doze off when I get home. Then I watch too much political shit, get pissed off, and feel REALLY Tired. Been working on Wall War (atari 2600 game) and the Ataricaster guitar off/on when I feel like lately. Just been really tired, too tired to be bored. |