well, who did you expect? The Tooth Fairy?It's MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!Hey, it's almost 2025, time to change my website a little bit. So we're re-writing this page a bit. Oh, yeah, Hi, I'm CreepingNet, a (soon-to-be) Semi-Retired YouTuber, serial hobbyist, luthier, computer guy, mechanic, plumber, electrician, and general tinkerer of anything not nailed down, as well as a retro gamer and a middle-aged cranky guy who wishes he could take a time machine back to the year 1985.

I run a YouTube Channel that's been going almost 20 years (until I semi-retire from it in 2026, assuming humanity is still alive by then), have run this site since 2019, have been a local musician all across the United States since 1996 as a pre-teen, and have been an outspoken proponent for offset-guitars in metal music almost as long. These days I rarely deign to go on any form of Social Media except to post projects and annoy people worth annoying (mostly advertisers, selfish people, and idiots). I've also been proudly permabanned from reddit for being doxxed by a psychogic MAGA-hat....if that's the voice of the internet, our world is in DEEP shit.

So what happened to the projects page? Well, I decided I already give enough of myself to the internet. I run this website by myself, for free, for fun, not for profit, I have not even put a "buy me a coffee" button on my main page (even though the missus thinks I should). I just sorta hang around and talk about stuff that most people probably want to yell "manchild" at me for liking - well - f*** them then. I work 40 hrs a week (actually more), pay my bills and rent, and follow commitments and responsibilities, except I'm not "Adulting", I feel like I'm 90 years old....and I got a ways to go to hit that number. I think the world "ADULTING" is stupid BTW!


NAME CreepingNet
OCCUPATION Semi-Retired YouTuber, Computer Guy by Day, Rock Faces off by Night, and internet ENT
BASE OF OPERATIONS An Underground Base Located Somewhere in the Desert, guarded by a nest of Japanese Murder Hornets
DATE OF MFG 02/09/1983 - But I'm NOT A Millennial....I drank from the garden hose, rode bikes with no safety gear, in the back of moving pickups on the highway, came home when the lights came on, and played video games that required imagination like the rest of you Gen X Guys. I hate Avacado Toast, drink black coffee, and generally, keep to myself IRL.
CHICK STATUS Married w/ two furbabies
CONTRIBUTIONS Over 1000 pieces of music across 12 bands since High School, released multiple full length albums, including one mixed by Jack Endino who worked with all the famous Seattle Sub Pop bands, more autism-spectrum-disorder level reasearch on 8088-80486 PCs and legacy consoles than any mortal should endure, wiring diagrams for Ford radios, building more guitars than most Korean guitar building houses for less than microwave dinner, and being a quasi-expert at rare Candian celebrity designed guitars, and being the only mortal who can keep a Fender Mustang or Jaguar in tune strung up with .009s while tuned down like a nu-metal guy, while playing it like I'm in an 80's pop-metal band.
LIKES Too Much Old Shit. Old Video Games, Old Cars, Old Computers, Old Guitars, Old Architecture....ah fuck-me, old stuff is best. Books by Henry Rollins and Charles Bukowski, comedy by George Carlin and Bill Hicks, old cheesy 80's late night comedy flicks (think Night Flight) and horror movies with a budget lower than a modern house, cussing up a storm, torturing feudalist Social Media platforms (ie FakeBook and Reddit), and ranting about life's absurdities
DISLIKES Fundimentalists, Education Elitists (aka, people who think a piece of paper is more important than an actual education), O/S Fanboys, Modern Consoles, Modern Computers, Megacorporations run by Narcisscistic CEO Billionaires, Psychotic politicians, the public (because let's face it, Carlin was right, the public SUCKS), A.I. being considered for anything more than goofey pictures and toilet music, anti-woke people, people who are woke who want to fight me for the way I fight back in support, Toxic Masculinity, Toxic Femininity, Courier Services, other drivers, and idiots in general. I have a very short fuse, but I sure as heck know how to use it properly.