Welcome to my humble, if a bit messy Neocities Website. Basically it's just a drama-free place for me to babble about my various interests, projects, and technical stuff that I like to mess around with. Most of the time I dabble with guitars, music, old video games, and electronics, but there's more stuff I mess around with in the About Me section. This place is in a constant state of update and change as you'll find, as I complete things as I have time to do them, as I have a very busy life outside of the internet.

Things you'll find here include an "About Me" section with unreleated tech projects I'm working on, a music section with my over 25+ years of playing in bands, recording albums, and generally, being a lead guitarist and composer in the local music scene(s). Gear Tech is about guitars, basses, guitar gear, pedals, amps, and other stuff - with a heavy focus on cheap, obscure, or offset-waisted guitars (Jaguars, Jag-Stangs, etc..), vintage computers is my passion for vintage Pre-Pentium IBM Compatible x86 hardware (8086-80486), while modern focuses on whatever crazy modern stuff I find myself messing with, and the gaming section is just me expounding about video games and video game related stuff, mostly NES/PC/Atari 2600 stuff, with a penchant for the weird and funny at times.


7/12/2024 - 12:30pm PST - Famicom section has some new additions. Finally getting back to form. I also have 2 45 mintue YouTube videos up that will be released in the coming weeks. WODR has some new songs coming in if you are into that sort of thing. Guitar builds need some updates, the Ataricaster is coming along fast.

Now, some announcements. I'm seriously considering retiring my social media accounts full time. I'm just not the kind of guy who jives well with normies on a personal level, and I've hated, since the end of Myspace, how I can't edit or modify anything to my personal taste anyway. I just killed off my Threads account (or started to at least) because I got tired of all the political shit that's going on. Maybe it's time we took the internet back from the corporates and made it OURS again. Because if you have the brains to write something intelligent, you have the brains to learn basic HTML! Also, the fact Meta is cutting posts about the issueas at hand leaves a bad taste in my mouth. So I'd rather not give them more opportunities for revenue from those dirty f***ers at Temu!