Today's use case for vintage IBM Compatible Portables is very different from that which they were intended for back in their legacy heydays of the 1980's and 1990's. Back then, these were all $1500+ computers intended for businessmen and industry professionals who needed maximum performance, maximum stability, VERSAtility - pun intended, and expandability without having to call the OEM every damn time something breaks or is out-modded by it's current day performance.

Today, the same businessmen and industry professionals who probalby used these back in the day are retired, and if not nostalgic, probably find these computers laughably outdated and outmodded by the present generation of x64 Core I-series based machines running Windows 10/11. 10 years is a lifetime for digital devices, and these machines are now reaching 30 years old - well past classic status by about 5 years. But fear not, for there are ways of making these legacy pieces run much better than they ever could or would have in the time when they were considered "current".

This is more of a cut-down guide for people interested in hot-rodding a vintage NEC Versa for the kinds of crazy stuff I use mine for. IE - getting them portable, and making various QOL (Quality of Life) Improvements. Sure, some things were great about the 1990's, but some things have come a long way since then, and can offer a major positive benefit to these machines - or pretty much any vintage laptop computer.
#1 Large Capacity Hard Disks
The first thing, and possibly the most useful, is upgrading to a large capacity hard disk drive on these units. The reasons being numerous. First and foremost,
Memory Upgrades

Sound - This is a Tricky one