1978, Atari Corp.
Basketball was the first Basketball game for the Atari 2600 to atually be sold as such (there was a "Basketball" variation of PONG on the Video Olympics cartridge). It was programmed by Alan Miller, and as I later found out, highly influential on console sports game design from that point onward. It was released in 1978.

In Basketball, which is one of the earliest games to feature one or two player functionality, you play one-on-one basketball against either another human, or the VCS. There's only two game variations, 2 player, and 1 player - very very few for a early 2600 title. It features a diagonal "isometric" videw of the single-screen basketball court, with goals on both sides that match the player that's associated with that goal. It's also one of the earliest 2600 games, or video games in general, to have a computer A.I. to play against you in the game.

Basketball apparently was very influential on the future of how Basketball was presented in the world of console games....crazy. It rarely gets enough mention for anyone to realize that, but the A.I. and isometric playfield of the game really influenced all that came after it.
I Had NO Idea How Influential this game was!!! - My Experiences
Okay, I might have said it elsewhere, but I want to make it clear I AM NOT A SPORTS GUY!!!. I hate football, I don't watch basketball, golf doesn't entice me much, soccer and hockey are fun to watch for the fistfights and chaotic fan behavior....but other than that....I don't really care.

So imagine how I felt when I got this in 1998 with my first Heavy Sixer, a darn-near-mint 1977 SUnnyvale I bought at some overpriced Opelika thrift shop for $25. I got the Sears release of this game - with the same name and manual - with it. I remember playing it the first time, and hating how the computer AI could open a total can of whoopass on me. I mean, that little purple jerk is AGGRESSIVE! He's making me wonder if he's the purple guy from Five Nights at Freddy's for pete's sake....he's not far from it, just a few pixels over budget and missing a badge.

Eventually that copy was sold off in the great cash-out at Half Price Books in 2015. Then 2024 comes along, almost 10 years later, and I end up with another Heavy Sixer and it comes with the manual, but no cart. So I seek the cartridge out, and got it. Mostly because my WIFE Wants to play this game (she likes PLAYING basketball....not watchingit). So it might be a fun couple's activity.

What's nuts though, is The Atari Archive did an episode on this game and it gave me a whole new appreciation - that's where I got the information from above. I've been sleeping to it as ASMR for the past few months...seems all that Atari knowledge has seeped into my psyche.
Let's Play Basketball (Actual Hardware, 2025) ~COMING SOON!!! (April 9th, 2025)
