1987, Bit Corp, Famiclones
Duck (Chinese: 醜小鴨, a literal translation meaning Ugly Duck, also known as Duck Maze) is an unlicensed clone of Doki Doki Penguin Land, made for the Famicom in 1987 by Bit Corp. and released in Taiwan, Australia and Brazil by Bit Corp., HES and Dismac respectively.

This game plays similarly to Doki Doki Penguin Land, a Sega SG-1000 and MSX game that had been released in 1985. In it, you control a duck pushing an egg downwards into an underground living room. Like some early Famicom titles, the player can start on any level (or scene as this game calls them) and there are 20 in total. In a similar way to Lode Runner, the player can dig through the ground with the A button and dropping the egg too far causes it to break, resulting in the player losing a life. There are three lives and no continues.

This is one of the earlier "hacks" or unauthorized clones on this unit that appears here. TBH, to find this one, I had to do a Google Image search to find enough information on it. I actually swiped much fo the description from the Bootleg Games Fandom Wiki. Hey, c'mon, I don't really have the time to actually play all of these and write a full page on em' ya' know!
Catchy Tagline - My Experiences


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