Volgard II
1996, E.S.C. Co./Waixing, Famicom
Volguard II was an attempt to create a sequel of the well received Volguard game to the Famicom. However, it is considered far inferior to the original. Destroying energy replenishes energy, but firing bullets depletes it. Since many of the upgrades that you can receive increase your firepower, they generally increase the degree to which you lose energy. Furthermore, once you collect the second and only other craft, and join them to form a robot, the robot moves incredibly slow, making it less worthwhile to ever join the craft together.
This is one of those that does not work on the 400-in-1 - My Experiences
So the whole time I've had the Sup-400-in-1, this has NEVER worked nor booted up properly. So honestly, I can't make any sort of assessment. This was a bit of a problem with the Sup 400-in-1 and even the Pocketgames 150-in-1 to a lesser extent, that some games don't run right (or don't run right unless the battery is fully charged, the wind is blowing at a specific set of coordinates at exactly the right speed, the chair I'm sitting in is balaced by a shoebox filled with "Page Boy's Wallpaper Paste: Don't eat it like the cartoon man!", and I have a specific guitar in my lap with chrome plates that act as a proper antenna to appease the gods of gaming).

Basically, you just launch it and it goes to a blank screen. That said, given the review of the game on the Famicom Strategy Guide, it seems that I'm not missing much anyway, so I'll just leave it. The screenshot is from that website that I pilfered so I could have something to show you here.


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