King's Knight 1987, Square LTD, NES/Famicom |
![]() King's Knight finds you playing as one of four generic RPG stereotypes (a knight, a monster, a wizard, and I think a witch or something), and you basically wander a Ikari Warriors style medevil playfield shooting at monsters and enemies with magic. And once your character loses all their HP, they die, and it moves to the next character (and their associated stage). Some people seemed to really like King's Knight to warrant a release on Virtual Console for the Wii, but overall, it's overshadowed by Square-Enix's monster franchise Final Fantasy (and by extension, Dragon Quest - which when this came out, Square and Enix were competitors and sworn enemies practically). Thank heavens for Hironobu Sakaguci for bringing them out of this dreck and into the much better Final Fantasy game.I thought this was going to be like Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy...I was wrong - My Experiences Videos Other Stuff |