Animal Contest
1996, Nice Code Software, Famicom
Animal Contest - Two animals are hidden behind a curtain; the player bets on which one weighs the most.

Seriously, that's all there is folks, it's a betting game about animals, where there's nothing really to win, but nothing to lose either.

Not too surprisingly, this one has not been hacked into another game.
The Endor (Dragon Quest IV) Arena in the Wee Hours - My Experiences
So it's about 2:30am and CreepingNet is waiting for his companions in Endor's underground Casino at the Inn. Bored out of his wits, he proceeds to wander up to a counter and ask about the monster fight....

"Sorry, we're closed!" said the Chibi looking person at the desk. "But I'm bored, is there anything to do at this hour! My cell phone gets no Wifi here so I can't record on Bandlab while I'm out on this mission to free the world of Necrosaro and his minions!" said a bleary eyed CreepingNet.

"Well...I do have something for ya." said the clerk "We just got this shipment of bootleg animals from one of Necrosaro's minions. He was apparently threatened to get rid of them before he loses his head. So he just sorta' dropped em' off. They're a little too cute and cuddly for the baddies, so I've kept em' here. How about this. We play a game - you guess the weight - and you win money. I did just have some man in a mushroom hat drop a bag of coins here - I can use that as the payout!...."

And so is my own headcannon plot for #238 - Animal Contest. With a title like that, I thought I'd at least get to pick an animal and have platform fighting just sit there and guess the weight of the animals, and win in-game-money that you can put toward nothing. Seriously. So is this the prototype AdItUp used for their platform? Chinese kids playing this stupid game - just to see if the "addiction factor" was worth it?

Seriously, that's all you do, guess the wait, and win or lose. I could program something more engaging in BASIC. Nice graphics though. Anyone else notice that's the trend with these "Nice Code" games - they should have called them "Nice Graphics" because the graphics are excellent but the actual gameplay is either a snoozefest, just something Atari did 10-20-30 years ago, or (what I made this page for really...) utter abject lunacy worthy of being so terrible it's hilariously bad - like the movie "Assault of the Party Nerds" or "The Girlfriend from Hell". The scenery might not be pandering, but it's at least nice to look at.

Anyway, not much more to say, what more CAN I say about a game that's basically sitting around holding "Turbo" but has graphics that actually make sense for the situation. It's not like this is Pachicom!

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