Base Ball 1983, Nintendo, NES/Famicom |
As someone whose not a sports fan, what I can I say, it's friggin BASEBALL! Basically, you stand on a diamond either pitching or hitting with a bat, and then running around the diamond while you direct your other team mates to catch the ball. Three Strikes You're Out - the whole yadda yadda. Of course, later on, the NES would have it's own explosive Baseball games that I remember being popular at the time like Techmo Baseball, the Bases Loaded Series (Which I had for awhile buying games off my friends who no longer wanted them), and I think some others. In current days, this one's more interesting than the others at the thrift shop, because they often get put aside with the other various major league sports games nobody wants to play anymore.Catchy Tagline - My Experiences Videos Other Stuff |