近日公開 Coming Soon, Famicom 1983, Never Concieved!!! |
![]() In 1983, Domo Sudoku Kan Corp created a game based on the life of a man, a mysterious man, named Miku-San. Who is Miku-san, nobody knows, all they know is he's the mysterious figure drawn on the cover of this game by an unknown artist. Apparently, one of our crack team of collectors found it at a Japanese thrift store for about 1000 yen while on a trip to Tokyo. Not much is known of the developer either. From what we could find from torn up JApanese newspaper clippings, the company was once a trading card comeptitor to Nintendo, who failed to gain traction, eventually changing to canned goods, then real estate, and then trying their hand at videos games in 1982, and this was their first release. Basically it's like a weird cross between Dragon Warrior, Mother, and Pong. You play as Miku-San on a quest to fight the Giant Raccoon-Dog thing named the great Hamabarambus. Hamabarambus has taken over the kingdom of Scotchguard and controlls it by a steampunk machine called the |