Here it is, the cart, the myth, the legend: Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation - aka simply Dragon Warrior III to us non-indigneous stateside peoples of the Americas. A JRPG with so much clout, so much respect, so much history, so much love, that one cannot mention it without either garnering the respect of your fellow RPG-ing peoples, or get into a heated Final Fantasy vs. Dragon Quest debate!
In Dragon Warrior III, we play a kid at their sweet sixteen birthday party, and the king has a present, but not one we really want, so much as a present for him actually. No, not clothes, not a book by Jordan Petersen, not a Jesus Tie Pin, but rather, very fittingly, a quest! A Quest to rid the planet of the Archfiend Baramos.....whose been terrorising the residents of planet earth day and night with his obscenely loud pool parties full of more terrifying entities than level "Run for Your Life" in the Backrooms! In a castle so convoluted it might as well be a Backrooms level itself (next to "The Void" no less...just like the Backrooms). So of course, you are to take your party, and shove Baramos's pool net where the sun don't shine! But there's far more to it than a dancing Dinosaur holding virgin sacrifices in an altar in the 20 foot deep section! So here we are, Dragon Warrior III, the walkthrough, in my typical, disjointed, slang-clad, style complete using the basic, bare bones, base trim level flavor for the NES. The Famicom version should not be that much different.SWEET SIXTEEN, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN... COME AND JOIN TOGETHER WITH THE BAND SEPTIC SAM AND THE SEWER (WO)MEN THE 1000 GOLD PYRAMID GIT DA' PEPPA' DA' PEPPA' THE LEGEND OF ORIOCHI AS TOLD BY THE PEOPLE OF JIPANG THE AUBURN WEAPONS SHOPPE TED NAKI? WHOSE HE? THE ARCHFIEND SACRIFICIAL POOL PARTY (CRASHERS) THE ZEN AND ART OF GRINDING PART III: FAT CEMENT NED FLANDERS (AND OTHER ATROCITIES) IT IS NOW MY DUTY TO COMPLETLEY DRAIN YOU (ARCHFIEND BARAMOS) JUMP IN THE FIEYAH! SOMETHING HAUNTINGLY FAMILIAR PART II: WHERE'S MY BALLS O' LIGHT! IT'S ME FATHER...DOH!!! ZOMA THE KELVINATOR APPENDIX |