My thoughts and opinions on Microsoft's current O/S
Okay, if you tuned in for a linux fanboy having a bash-fest on Microsoft's O/S, you would be quite mistaken. See, I used to use "rants" sections to complain about stuff illogically or a bit exaggerated, because that's fun, but that's more inline with creative writing. This is meant to be a more professionally curated page with personal opinions on Microsoft's current release of their flagship operating system: Windows 11.

Currently, I don't have any computers at home that run Windows 11 (yet), but I am using Windows 11 at work, and it's pretty much on-par with what everyone says and does when a major Windows release comes out. Bascally, all the Microsoft Fanboys tell you to jump ship to the latest and greatest release, all the LInux fanboys start consoling the angry users trying to bring them over (before slapping them in a face of a lead baseball bat to the tune of "what, you don't know what "sudo apt update" means?"), the newbies then whine it's too hard, the fanboys start spreading FUD about Linux, the Apple people start talking trash about both....seriously, this is why I rescinded publically critiquing any O/S in a social situation - it just devolves into a realm of stupidity on par with your average political discussion.

So here it is, my experiences, thoughts, critiques, and whatnot on Windows 11...(though mostly the Enterprise Long Term Service Channel version). Don't think I'm converting anytime soon, but I'm not going to say it's trash, because it's not.