They're Heeeerrreeee!
Ah, Artificial Intelligence. My current tool of choice for creating absurd images for my bandlab account, whether it's a picture of a Guatamalan Genie for a song or a playlist that involves a Sentient A.I. Toilet that looks like something you'd see on an American show about Japan and their wild technologies (left). C'mon, I know it's immature, guess what, I don't care, it's FUNNY! Toilets are funny. Even funnier is one with eyes and what looks like the air intake from a Subaru where the tank should be!

Every orange worshipper out there talks about A.I. like we're going to see Skynet - I guess anything for an excuse to breakout the bugout armory. Every person on the other side of the spectrum talks like it's going to give us some kind of utopia where nobody has to work and everybody can just make art all the time, lol. Yeah, and Jeff Bezos is going to quit making companies to go feed all of the Homeless in New York with his Amazon money!

Truth is, we'll find out it's shitty for most things, great for a handful, and then USE IT for that handful of things. One of them, is generating bizzarre looking art like this. Something about a computer's "Brain" - aka a big Algorithm - creates some interesting results.

We have these crazy deepfakes but half the reason we love them is they are so fucked up. First one I ever saw was Joe Biden clogging a toilet, and then scrubbing the walls with what looked like the UFO from "The Day the Earth STood Still" on a stick for a swiffer while the rest of his team were in an olympic swimming pool for some stupid reason. If this is the "deep fakes" we've been fearing, then we have nothing to fear. Seriously, the kind of ludicrious crap this looks like is hilariously bad.

Honestly, I think A.I. Might make things fun again, a machine is devoid of feelings, and feelings confuse a taking "feelings" and inputting them into A.I. for some abstract interpretation can create some real chaos and lunacy on the output end of the equation. That's half of how I get these messed up images from the internet for my BandLab, I just punch in a bunch of abstract things, plug e'm into the Deepdream website, and out pops something that looks like an ad for the worlds largest Advil in the Grand Canyon! Or maybe a cutaway view of a man in a derby hat having a leisure walk inside a giant hamburger. Or how about something that looks like a Salvador Dahli painting as interpreted by Kurt Cobain's Doll Collection and re-processed by Skynet! Go ahead, blame me for creating the worlds first mentally unstable "Sentient" A.I. with my abstract and bizzarre prompts (all of which are deliberate) - I dare you!