In America, Nintendo had a stranglehold on what games were released in what format, and provided the PCBS, cartridge shells, lockout chip algorithm decoders, and other stuff required to make a NIntendo game that worked with our north american NESes with our primitive DRM.
But the original Famicom, however, did not have such "protections". This meant that places like China, could produce, and even to this day STILL continuet o produce, Famiclones, illegit copies of Famicom cartridges, and even things like this - the infamous Famicom xxx-in-one Multicart. A Subgenre of Famicom cartridges that contain collections of Famicom/NES/Dendy games, ranging from a mere 4 to cartridges making such ridiculous claims as 10000000000-in-1. I even wrote a super long, site-breaking webpage on the Sup' 400-in-1 around the end of 2022 talking about this phenomenon in the context of a $10 Famiclone from Temu (which also was later revised and sold by 5 and Below with some games swapped out). So the tradition continues today even.
The Pocket Games 150-in-1 is one such a Famicom cartridge. Released in 2015, It features 150 games, but none of the repeats and "Nice Code" games (Brush Roller, Warehouse Boy, Lawn Mower, etc..) that usually litter such a compilation, which was one of my decisions to pick this one up. It was released in 2015 for god only knows what reason, and whether it was release WITH A Famiclone or not, is as-of-yet (to me) unknown).
My Experiences - Why I chose a Multicart for my first Famicom Game
When I wandered into the world of the Famicom in late 2022, I had an idea just to snag some cheap cartridges that I really really liked. The first ones included Antarctic Adventure and Star Luster, which were 2 I picked from the SUP 400-in-1 to have in console format. I also am tempted to snag Dragon Quest I-IV and a few others...but I thought about those weird Chinese Multicarts, or maybe even one of the funky Russian ones.
What I ended up doing was purchasing this $18 multicart on e-bay that looked fairly new, and in nice condition, and in red, so it kinda' matches my Sup 400-in-1 console anyway. The Biggest part of this choice was the game list since it filled holes in my collection that I don't already own in a massive way, including adding some more titles that work with the Zapper. And no repeats, so every game is worth something. IT would be something I could leave plugged in in the bedroom even if I felt like it.
The Cartridge works perfectly with the Famicom to NES Adapters I got during Xmas 2023. The only issue I've run into with it is basically this multicart is a bit...uh...buggy at times....see the screenshot. So I had to take a few screenshots from Google Image Search instead of from my usual captuing game footage and then taking a screenshot of it. However, this also presented an opportunity to replace the missing 53.png Donkey Kong III screenshot for the 400-in-1 Handheld I have (which also does some buggy, weird things). I'm not sure if the problem is caused just by heavy use, or what, but I noticed it started having issues after hours upon hours of playing games and taking screenshots for this site, as per the screenshot to the side. I believe it could be because they use ATINY controller chips inside the cartridges to talk to the NES10, which on my NES has been disabled.
It seemed way happier once I let it cool down a bit and rest a bit. Could also just be I've put some strain on the pins of my 72 pin connector because of maybe different board thicknesses (might be the adapter is closer to a Game Genie than it is to a regular NES cart). Either way, not a bad grab for my first Famicom cart, since it has a LOT of classic games on there. Some personal favorites include Gradius, Lifeforce (Gradius II), Parodius (one I was planning to snag initially), Summer Carnival 92' (quite an amazing shooter), GunSmoke, and it's nice to finally have the entire Megaman series (or Rockman as it's called in Japan), which I always kinda' sucked at. Some games are Japanese releases, so I might need ot start using the Japanese book I got during xmas, for things like Saiyuuki World and some of the other Japanese exclusives on this one that are not translated.
Here's all 150 games, just like the Sup 400-in-1 page. I have linked the games to their respective pages, allowing you to click on them and go to the page I already have for them. This is to save site space, as well as save time. Some will only have a screenshot as there's not an individual page for those (mostly the Sup 400-in-1 Screenshot games). Some of these might get new pages sometime in the future as well added as I get more enthused with them and play them more.
| Rockman 1 Megaman, Japan
 Basically, it's Mega Man, but the Japanese release of it, not too surprising since this is a Famicom cartridge. It seems to play pretty much identical to the American release.
| 041
| Nekketsu Soccer 2
 Basically it's "River City Rampage Soccer" based on the art style. Seems Japan got a whole line of games from this series that were based around sports. Not really a big sports fan, so I don't really get into sports games as much.
| 081
| Blaster Master European Prototype
 King of interesting that we would get the Prototype version of Blaster Master, rather than the full-on release. But then I'm pretty sure this multicart is some Chinese guy's ROM collection dumped onto a SMD equipped modern-day famiclone cartridge.
| 121
| Goonies 2
 Basically the second Goonies game, and the ONLY Goonies game we got in the USA Stateside. Honestly, I don't have too much experience with this one yet.
| Rockman 2 Megaman 2, Japan
 Japanese Mega Man 2, plays much teh same, except the opening narration is in a different language, and that's about it. Again, I'm a terrible Mega Man player, but it's still fun to mess around with nonetheless.
| 042
| Ninja Gaiden 1
 Another one of those NES Essentials that I never got into but most of the other guys my age will recall with a fondness. That was pretty much the late 80's in a nutshell, big hair, spandex, pop-metal, neon colors, Nintendo, and Ninjas.
| 082
| Captain Tsubasa Vol 2
 This plays like a graphic novel about soccer, definatley a Japan-only release. Hard to follow, but probably would be fun to MST3K when I make a YouTube video about it one of these days.
| 122
| Ys Tank
 One of the very few "MultiCart Staples" on this cartridge - This is the other one known as "Combat" or "Tank 1990" on some other compilations, except this I believe is the actual tank. Honestly, "YS TANK" makes me laugh a little because there's an RPG Series in Japan known as YS Book 1 & 2 - and it's prnounced "ease" - per Bithead1000 at least - so it makes me laugh thinking this is "Ease Tank" - like "Easy Tank", because it's anything BUT Easy!
| Rockman 3 Megaman 3, Japan
 Japanese release MegaMan 3. This is probably my personal favorite of the Mega Man/Rockman games, both because of the music, and just in general, it seems to be the peak of the design, the later ones border on Super Nintendo territory though, so there's plusses to those as well. That said, I'm terrible at this series.
| 043
| Ninja Gaiden 2
 It's Ninja Gaiden 2, and it's also another popular choice on multicarts I've noticed. Might explore this one more before commenting on it since I've only ever really played it on this, and the Sup 400-in-1 I also have on this site.
| 083
| Silver Surfer
 IIRC this is one of those notoriously "BaD" games, but likely based soley on the AVGN's critique of it.
| 123
| Popeye
 This is the early black label release we got stateside and all over the world. Honestly, an interesting tidbit of trivia, is Shigeru Miyamoto was angling to make a Popeye game when he was making Donkey Kong, and then THIS came out and is built roughly on the same engine with some alteration actually.
| Rockman 4 Megaman 4, Japan
 Yep, Japanese Mega Man 4, with foreign language, but the rest of the game is identical though.
| 044
| Ninja Gaiden 3
| 084
| Gurilla War Japan
| 124
| Balloon Fight
| Rockman 5 Megaman 5, Japan
| 045
| Ninja Crusaders USA
| 085
| Summer Carnival 92' Recca (Japan), 烈火
 Naxalt made this for the Summer Carnival 92' in Japan - and my god, this is one of my favorite Schmups ever made! This is f***ing incredible! Well worth the price of admission for this cart alone. Honestly, I might be willing to purchase this on an actual cartridge TBH.
| 125
| Ice Climber
 The classic black label Ice Climber. Not sure what all the ruckus about this one is about because to me this one is about a 6.5 on a ten scale regardless of media.
| Rockman 6 Megaman 6, Japan
| 046
| Castlevania PAL Version, Works on NES
 This is the PAL release, so it runs a little too fast, but it kind of ups the challenge a little bit as well. This multicart is where I learned about how a PAL game runs on a NTSC NES, and exposed why my 400-in-1 has Mario Ports that run at the wrong speed.
| 086
| Darkwing Duck
 Anyone like me who grew up watching the "Disney Afternoon" on FOX in the 80's and early 90's will remember this one "I am the terror that flaps in the night!".
| 126
| Wrecking Crew
 I just bought this on the original cartridge for NES at the beginning of last year. One of my personal favorites (any game where you're destroying things is quite fun for me TBH, even moreso if you can BUILD things).
| Rock Board Wily & Wright no Rockboard: English Trans.
 A Japan only release, and the first one on the cartridge. Luckily it's english translated, so I can actually play it, and I must say, I'm quite impressed. Enough I'd be willing to purchase the original cartridge.
| 047
| Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
 Regular NTSC version, so if I want to play Castlevania II, this is the copy I'm currently using to play. Unfortunatley, the savegame bat on the catridge (if mine even has one), only saves one ROM's game at a time.
| 087
| Lion King Super Lion King, Mapperv4 Version
 Here's another one of the very few "MultiCart" bootleg exclusives on this Famiclone Multicart - Lion King for the NES - which was done by Hummer Team, best known for their attempts to port SNES/Super Famicom titles to the Famicom/NES. This is one of the most popular variants.
| 127
| Donkey Kong
 It's good ole' black Label Donkey Kong, what else can I say.
| Seirei Densetsu Lickle Little Samson, Japan
 One of the most expensive games for the NES, and I have it on a multicart that cost me less than $20 in it's unmolested Japanese incarnation. THis game is pretty awesome and underrated. You play as little Samson, who can cling to walls, and throw projectiles at all sorts of interesting enemies. Also includes parallax scrolling. One of the highlights of this multicart.
| 048
| Double Dragon 1 Japan
 The Classic Double Dragon for NES, but the Japanese release.
| 088
| Twin Bee

| 128
| Donkey Kong Jr.
 Donkey Kong Junior for the NES, Black Label Cart version, not much else to say to be honest. I already have this on Donkey Kong Classics (which I linked to).
| Dragon Fighter
 This is the source of the 150-in-1's Game Menu music. This game has killer music, but it is BLOODY HARD! I can't get past hte first level, it's maybe a couple steps easier than say - Dragon's Lair for the NES - but not as bad, still fun, and cool graphical effects.
| 049
| Double Dragon 2 Japan

| 089
| Twin Bee 2 Stinger, Japan

| 129
| Donkey Kong III
 Stan the Bugman fights Donkey Kong with a puffer full of sevendust, while getting attacked by Hornets (that seem to have zero interest in the big ape despite him being the one bangin' on their basketball sized paper mache projects).
| Saiyuuki World
 Another asian release that I can't quite figure out what's going on. Basically, you play as a small boy, collecting CD's, using Atari graphics for currency, while getting kicked out of stores by a Cat Witch, a Dragon Warrior boss, a cranky old Dojo guy, and a cute lady, and having boss fights with various jungle cats bred with wasps.
| 050
| Double Dragon 3 USA Version

| 090
| Captain America

| 130
| Dig Dug

| Rush'n'Attack
 Basically a size scrolling platformer where you beat up Russians, seems somewhat topical for today. Not a bad game, but a bit on the harder side though.
| 051
| Adventure Island Japan
 Aka, Hudson's Adventure Island, where we play as Dr/Mr/Professor Higgins eating food for energy while running around a bunch of uncanney valley cartoon landscapes. However, a weird glitch/twist to this one, if you will, is that you have infinite lives on this particular version. Seriously, I played this thing for about 2 hours straight, got stuck on Level 4 before realizing I've been looking at Higginsx3 the whole time.
| 091
| Monster in My Pocket

| 131
| Dig Dug II

| Jackal

| 052
| Adventure Island 2

| 092
| Ninja Cat

| 132
| Excitebike
 The Black Label, Programmable Series game for the NES. Also one of my personal favorites in the NES Library
| Gradius
| 053
| Adventure Island 3
| 093
| Felix the Cat
| 133
| Macross
| Life Force
 Aka, Gradius II in Japan. I'm not sure what the choices of the various games were, but Gradius II being put on here as the domestic USA LIfeForce is really a head scratcher when we have Ninja Cats (Samurai Pizza Cats), and Rockboard on here. Either way, LifeForce is probably the best shooter on here only outdone by Parodius (Da) and Summer Carnival 92' (Recca).
| 054
| Adventure Island 4
| 094
| SD Gundam
| 134
| Dinoriki
| Parodius PAL Version, but works with NES
 Okay, it might run at the wrong speed, but this one is fun as hell, and the faster speed actually makes the atmostphere even more entertaining. Parodius Da is a parody of the stereotype of the Japanese Shoot-em-up game that was so popular on the Famicom, Arcade, and NEC PC-Engine (TurboGrafix 16), and it's bloody hilarious with flying Wizards, weird creatures, bells for bonus points, and a Pirate ship that's also a cat!
| 055
| Kirby's Adventure
| 095
| New Ghostbusters Real Ghostbusters II, Japan
| 135
| Pooyan
| Gunsmoke PAL version but works with NES
| 056
| G.I. Joe: The Atlantis Factor
| 096
| Jurassic Park
| 136
| Spartan X
| Thundercade
| 057
| G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero
| 097
| Wacky Races
| 137
| Spelunker
| Legendary Wings
| 058
| Robocop
| 098
| Darkman
| 138
| Galaga
| Ninja Turtles 1 Japanese Version, Geki Kame Ninja Den
| 059
| Robocop 2
| 099
| Gulf War
| 139
| Slalom
| Ninja Turtles 2
| 060
| Tokkyuu Shirei
| 100
| Saint Seiya
| 140
| Tetris II
| Ninja Turtles 3
| 061
| Batman
| 101
| Bucky O' Hare
| 141
| Chinese Chess
| Ninja Turtles 4 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Tournament Fighters PAL But works on USA NES
| 062
| Batman 2
| 102
| Panic Resturant
| 142
| Legend of Kage
| Contra 1 USA Version
| 063
| Nemo Pajama Hero Little Nemo: The Dream Master, Japan
| 103
| The Punisher
| 143
| Solomon's Key
| Contra 2 Super C, Japan
| 064
| Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers Japan
| 104
| Spy Hunter 2
| 144
| Sky Destroyer
| Contra Force
| 065
| Chip & Dale: Rescue Rangers II Japan
| 105
| Gundec
| 145
| Yie Ar Kung Fu
| Final Mission S.C.A.T., Japan
| 066
| Tiny Toon Adventures
| 106
| 1942
| 146
| BomberMan
| Kage Shadow of the Ninja, Japan
| 067
| Tiny Toon Adventures 2: Trouble in Wackyland
| 107
| 1943
| 147
| Elevator Action
| Super Mario Bros.
| 068
| Kick Master
| 108
| Kyuukyoku Tiger
| 148
| Hogan's Alley
| Super Mario Bros. 2 PAL Version
| 069
| Astyanax
| 109
| Gun Nac
| 149
| Duck Hunt
| Super Mario Bros. 3 Japanese Version
| 070
| P.O.W.
| 110
| Warwolf
| 150
| Wild Gunman
| Dr. Mario
| 071
| Cross Fire
| 111
| Mighty Final Fight
| Mario Bros.
| 072
| Sword Master
| 112
| Dead Fox
| Nekketsu Dodgeball Super Dodgeball, Japan
| 073
| Power Blade
| 113
| Ju Ju Densetsu
| Densetsu
| 074
| Power Blade II
| 114
| Aladdin Hummer Team MMC3 Hack
| Downtown
| 075
| Flintstones: The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy
| 115
| Banana Prince
| Dunk Heroes
| 076
| Flintstones 2: Surprise at Dinosaur Peak
| 116
| Snow Bros
| Nekketsu Hockey
| 077
| Mitsume Ga Tooru
| 117
| Ultraman Club
| Zenin Shuugou
| 078
| Adventures of Bayou Billy Zapper
| 118
| Juuouki
| Nekketsu Monogatari River City Ransom, Japan
| 079
| Terminator 2: Judgement Day
| 119
| Tom and Jerry
| Harukanaru Kin Crash'n'The Boys: Street Challenge, Japan
| 080
| Terminator
| 120
| Goonies